The Whole World at Your Fingertips
    Published in Travel Info TV

    The Island of Vlad the Impaler

    A video documentary by CĂTĂLIN KISLINGER

    The mysterious island of Snagov is about 40Km North from Bucharest. You first arrive in the Silistea village, on the shore of Snagov lake. From this village, over the lake, you can see the island. The legend says that Vlad the Impaler was buried on this island.

    The island has been inhabited for thousands of years. Archaeological digs revealed tools and crockery from the Bronze and Iron Age, graves, silver dinars of Roman Republic, and Byzantine coins from the 10th century.

    In 1456 Vlad the Impaler ordered a prison for traitors and robbers to be built on the island. A defense-wall, a bridge and an escaping tunnel under the lake to the other shore were also built. The tunnel still exists today.

    The present day Snagov Monastery has been built by Neagoe Basarab in 1521 on the grounds of the old church from Vlad the Impaler's time. The wall paintings were made by Dragomir the Young in 1563.

    Today, the most important vestige that can be seen on the island, is the stone grave of King Vlad the Impaler.

    The King has been murdered on the Christmas day of 1476 by traitorous boyars who sold themselves to the Ottoman Empire. The legend says that soldiers faithful to the King took his head and the headless body and buried them on the Snagov island. However the exact place of the grave has not been yet found.

    The Snagov Island is still hiding many secrets. After seeing the island the visitors leave with many questions in their minds. They leave behind centuries old these mysteries and secrets.

    The past remains unmoved, in the blow of the wind…


    Alunis Village is about 150km from Bucharest. The place is surrounded with many ancient mural vestiges. Among those there is a church dating from the 13th century. Alunis Church was carved in a stony mountain by two shepherds, Vlad and Simion, around 1274.
    Tradition says that two thousand years ago Apostle Andrew arrived in Dacia. And that for a while the Apostle and his disciples found shalter in a cave. Nearby Ion Corvin a village in a Canstanta county, there is a cave considered to be the first Christian halidom in Romania.

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