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    Royal Palace of Brussels (Koninklijk Paleis van Brussel, Palais Royal de Bruxelles, Königlicher Palast von Brüssel), Belgium

    Royal Palace of Brussels, Belgium.

    The Royal Palace of Brussels (Koninklijk Paleis van Brussel, Palais Royal de Bruxelles, Königlicher Palast von Brüssel) is situated in front of Brussels Park. A long square called the Paleizenplein/Place des Palais separates the palace from the park.

    The middle axis of the park marks both the middle peristyle of the palace and the middle of the facing building on the other side of the park, which is the Palace of the Nation (the Belgian Federal Parliament building). The two facing buildings are said to symbolize Belgium's system of government: a constitutional monarchy.

    Interior of the Royal Palace.

    The facade we see today was only built after 1900 on the initiative of King Leopold II. The first nucleus of the present-day building dates from the end of the 18th century. However, the grounds on which the palace stands were once part of the Coudenberg Palace a very old palatial complex that dated back to the Middle Ages

    Throne Hall of the Royal Palace, Brussels‎.

    It has a facade 50% longer than that of Buckingham Palace but its floor area of 33,027 m2 is less than half of Buckingham Palace's floor area (77,000 m2).

    Staircase of honour of the Royal Palace, Brussels.

    Apart from the offices of the King and the Queen, the Royal Palace houses the services of the Grand Marshal of the Court, the King's Head of Cabinet, the Head of the King's Military Household and the Intendant of the King's Civil List.

    The Palace also includes the State Rooms where large receptions are held, as well as the apartments provided for foreign Heads of State during official visits.

    Salon Bleu in the Royal Palace, Brussels‎.

    In the palace an important part of the royal collection is found. This consists of mainly state portraits and important furniture of Napoleon, Leopold I, King Louis Philippe and Leopold II.

    Silverware, porcelain and fine crystal is kept in the cellars used during state banquets and formal occasions at court. Queen Paola added modern art in some of the state rooms. (Wikipedia)


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