The Whole World at Your Fingertips
    Published in Hotels

    Qingsong Homestay (青松小棧), 屏東縣

    174 南灣路, 屏東縣, 恆春鎮
    Accomodation type: hostel
    GPS: 21.9606957, 120.7641923

    Mobile phone: +886-915-951865

    Around Qingsong Homestay (青松小棧)


    Daban Six Hotel; about 77 m
    206 南灣路, 屏東縣, 恆春鎮

    Yoyo Design Hotel; about 92 m
    210 南灣路, 屏東縣, 恆春鎮

    好望角; about 367 m
    48 南灣路, 屏東縣, 恆春鎮

    水簾天民宿; about 512 m
    38 南灣路, 屏東縣, 恆春鎮

    黃金海岸旅店; about 556 m
    36 南灣路, 屏東縣, 恆春鎮


    優聖美地渡假村; about 2920 m

    Guest houses

    南海岸廂房; about 1563 m

    窩墾丁米克諾斯館; about 1845 m

    Mykonos 米克諾斯 Mykonos 民宿; about 1869 m

    和風會館度假村; about 2504 m

    如月 Coffee.Guesthouse; about 3821 m
    5號 檳榔路, 94646


    Blue Bay Hostel; about 4 m
    172 南灣路, 屏東縣, 恆春鎮

    A&L Hostel; about 9 m
    178 南灣路, 屏東縣, 恆春鎮

    Kiwi旅店; about 17 m
    166 南灣路, 屏東縣, 恆春鎮

    Spoondrift Hostel; about 33 m
    188 南灣路, 946 屏東縣, 恆春鎮

    Coolman Hostel; about 55 m
    152 南灣路, 屏東縣, 恆春鎮


    J Lin Hostel; about 3096 m
    330-9 墾丁路, 946 屏東縣恆春鎮

    李莎小鎮; about 5303 m

    南方園渡假山莊; about 5311 m


    全聯福利中心; about 3841 m
    30 恆南路, 屏東縣, 恆春鎮

    Px Mart; about 4659 m

    恆春鎮農會超市; about 4928 m
    6 恆南路11巷11巷2弄, 946 屏東縣, 恆春鎮

    Convenience stores

    7-Eleven; about 145 m
    122 南灣路, 南灣里, 屏東縣, 恆春鎮

    Coffee shops

    敘園咖啡; about 4293 m

    Tea shops

    Presto Tea; about 5048 m


    Beef Noodles; about 105 m
    134 南灣路, 屏東縣, 恆春鎮

    Bossa Nova Restaurant; cuisine: european;italian; about 112 m
    218 南灣路, 屏東縣, 恆春鎮

    阿飛衝浪廚房漁夫料理; cuisine: seafood; about 238 m
    274 南灣路, 屏東縣, 恆春鎮

    Il Piccolo Polpo Bistro; cuisine: italian;european; about 311 m
    56 南灣路, 屏東縣, 恆春鎮

    墾丁之星; cuisine: barbecue; about 715 m
    310 南灣路, 屏東縣, 恆春鎮

    Fast food

    呀興生魚片; about 2618 m


    墾丁牧場合作社; about 4363 m

    Credit union base Cafe; about 4958 m
    155 文化路, 94642 屏東縣, 恆春鎮

    星巴克咖啡; about 5002 m

    茶的魔手; about 5124 m

    茶湯會; about 5313 m


    恆春第一市場; about 5270 m

    Bus stations

    Hengchun Transit Station; about 5014 m
    30 中正路, 946 屏東縣, 恆春鎮


    好望角停車場; about 404 m

    大灣路停車場; about 3775 m

    貓鼻頭; about 5194 m

    恆春鎮更所立體停車場; about 5338 m

    Gas stations (petrol stations)

    Smile Gas; about 2378 m

    中國石油; about 3363 m

    速邁樂加油站; about 3483 m

    Tourist attractions

    Nanwan Recreation Area; about 166 m

    哈利波特; about 1906 m

    星砂灣; about 2816 m

    後壁湖海洋資源保護示範區; about 3142 m

    平安叢林漆彈場; about 3218 m


    Sisal Industry Historical Monument; about 2347 m
    4 草潭路, 946

    台灣電力公司展示館; about 2434 m

    Longluan Lake Nature Center; about 3031 m

    Landscape viewpoints (belvédère)

    Kenting Main Street; about 3985 m

    Tourist information offices

    Kenting Np Visitor Center; about 2160 m

    旅宿中心; about 4264 m

    Maobitou Parking Visitor Center; about 5055 m


    Maobitou Park; about 5176 m

    恆春猴洞山公園; about 5373 m

    Places of worship

    南聖宮; about 752 m

    赤牛嶺鎮南宮/玉泉寺; about 3441 m
    28號 山腳路, 946 屏東縣, 恆春鎮

    赤牛嶺玉泉寺; about 3495 m
    28號 山腳路, 946 屏東縣, 恆春鎮

    五公寺; about 4070 m

    武聖殿; about 4129 m


    行政院衛生署恆春旅遊醫院; about 4711 m
    188 恆南路, 恆春鎮

    南門醫院; about 4868 m

    恆春鎮衛生所; about 5070 m

    恆春基督教醫院; about 5196 m
    21 恆西路, 屏東縣, 恆春鎮

    Post offices

    Hengchun Nanmen Post Office; about 5066 m

    恆春郵局; about 5088 m


    情人灘; about 4267 m

    墾丁小灣; about 4697 m

    Nature reserves

    特別景觀區; about 2420 m

    海域特別景觀區; about 3714 m

    Mountain and/or hill peaks

    馬鞍山; about 626 m

    大山母山; about 1740 m

    赤牛嶺; about 3204 m

    小尖石山; about 3318 m

    門馬羅山; about 3452 m

    Clothes shops

    Giordano; about 4849 m

    Ticket shops

    綠島之星; about 2954 m

    Dive centres

    安可浮潛俱樂部的忠旨; about 2791 m


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