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    Prague Castle, Czech Republic

    Prague Castle, Czech Republic.

    Prague Castle is a castle complex in Prague, Czech Republic, dating from the 9th century. It is the official office of the President of the Czech Republic. The castle was a seat of power for kings of Bohemia, Holy Roman emperors, and presidents of Czechoslovakia. The Bohemian Crown Jewels are kept within a hidden room inside it.

    The castle buildings represent virtually every architectural style of the last millennium. The neighborhood around Prague Castle is called Hradčany.

    Hradčany and Prague Castle includes:


    • Katedrála svatého Víta, Václava a Vojtěcha (St. Vitus Cathedral)

    St. Vitus Cathedral.

    • Bazilika svatého Jiří (St. George's Basilica, Prague) and Klášter svatého Jiří (St. George's Convent, Prague), it is the oldest surviving church building within Prague Castle.

    St. George's Basilica.

    • Chrám Všech svatých (All Saints Church)
    • Kaple svatého Kříže (Holy Cross Chapel).

    Holy Cross Chapel.


    • Starý královský palác (Old Royal Palace)

    Old Royal Palace.

    • Letohrádek královny Anny (Belvedere (Prague))

    Belvedere (Prague).

    • Lobkovický palác (Lobkowicz Palace)

    Lobkowicz Palace.

    • Nový královský palác (New Royal Palace (Prague))

    New Royal Palace (Prague).


    • Sloupová síň (Column Hall)
    • Španělský sál (Spanish Hall)

    Spanish Hall.

    • Rudolfova galerie (Rudolph's Gallery)
    • Rothmayerův sál (Rothmayer's Hall)
    • Vladislavský sál (Vladislav Hall)

    Vladislav Hall.


    • Bílá věž (White Tower (Prague Castle))
    • Černá věž (Black Tower (Prague Castle))

    Black Tower (Prague Castle).

    • Daliborka (Dalibor Tower)
    • Prašná věž or Mihulka (Mihulka)

    Other buildings

    • Zlatá ulička (Golden Lane)
    • Staré purkrabství (Old Supreme Burgrave's House)
    • Míčovna (Ball Game Hall)

    Ball Game Hall.

    • Jízdárna Pražského hradu (Riding School)
    • Staré proboštství (Old Provost Residence)

    Old Provost Residence.

    • Nové proboštství (New Provost Residence)

    New Provost Residence.


    • Královská zahrada (Royal Garden of Prague Castle)

    Royal Garden of Prague Castle.

    • Oranžérie (Orangery)
    • Zahrada na terase Jízdárny (Riding School Terrace Garden)
    • Zahrada Na Baště (The Garden on the Bastion)

    The Garden on the Bastion.

    • Jižní zahrady (South Gardens)

    South Gardens.

    • Rajská zahrada (Paradise Garden)
    • Zahrada Na Valech (Garden on the Ramparts)

    Garden on the Ramparts.

    • Hartigovská zahrada (The Hartig Garden)
    • Jelení příkop (Deer Moat)
    • Svatováclavská vinice (St. Wenceslas vineyard)

    St. Wenceslas vineyard.

    • Produkční zahrady Pražského hradu (Horticultural Gardens)


    • Kohlova kašna (Kohl's Fountain)

    Kohl's Fountain.

    • Matyášova brána (Matthias Gate)
    • Obelisk (Obelisk)


    • Socha svatého Jiří (Statue of Saint George)

    Statue of Saint George.

    You can also watch the Presidential Guard, and the changeover of the guards on duty on the hour.

    A Prague castle ticket is 350 Kč and an audio guide costs a further 350 Kč.. (Wikivoyage, Wikipedia)


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