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    Palazzo d'Accursio, Bologna, Italy

    Palazzo d'Accursio.

    Palazzo d'Accursio (or Palazzo Comunale) is a palace once formulated to house major administrative offices of the city of Bologna, region of Emilia-Romagna, Italy. It is located on the Piazza Maggiore, and is the city's Town Hall. The palace is also home to the Civic Art Collection, with paintings from the Middle Ages to the 19th century; the Museo Morandi, with the works by Giorgio Morandi; and the Biblioteca Salaborsa, the town libraries.

    The façade features a portcullis and a Madonna with Child, a terracotta by Niccolò dell'Arca (1478) in the upper section. Over the portal is a large bronze statue of the Bolognese Pope Gregory XIII (1580). A bronze statue of Pope Boniface VIII, once here, is now in the Medieval Museum.

    Palazzo d'Accursio - Sala del Consiglio.

    The Hall of the Communal Council, on the first floor, is where the Bolognese Senate met, and contains a gallery ceiling frescoed with Baroque-style quadratura by Angelo Michele Colonna and Gioacchino Pizzoli (1675–1677). The ceiling depicts in four parts:

    — Minerva (goddess of knowledge)
    — Mars (god of war), who along with Minerva, convince Fame to trumpet the town's virtues.
    — Cybele (Magna Mater Goddess) pointing to the glory of Olympus, which could also be seen as a metaphor of Papal Power.
    — Bacchus, Pomona and Caeres symbolize the fertile lands of the surrounding countryside.

    Palazzo d'Accursio - Sala Verde.

    The Farnese Hall, on the second floor, was rebuilt in 1665 by Cardinal Girolamo Farnese: it was previously known as "Royal Hall", since in 1530, Charles V was crowned King of Italy here with the Iron Crown (the imperial coronation took place, however, in the Basilica of San Petronio).

    The hall was frescoed with stories of the city from the Middle Ages to the 17th century, by pupils of Francesco Albani. The Chapel has frescoes (1562) by Prospero Fontana.



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