The World at Your Fingertips
    Published in Restaurants

    La Fontaine, Schaerbeek - Schaarbeek

    7 Place Dailly - Daillyplein, 1030 Schaerbeek - Schaarbeek
    Category: restaurants
    GPS: 50.8527323, 4.3885301

    Around La Fontaine


    Housingbrussels; about 159 m
    3 1300

    FunKeyHotel; about 338 m
    116 Rue Artan - Artanstraat, 1030 Schaerbeek - Schaarbeek

    Satellite; about 686 m
    159 Rue Franklin - Franklinstraat, 1000 Bruxelles - Brussel

    Chelton; about 836 m
    48 Rue Véronèse - Veronesestraat, 1000 Bruxelles - Brussel, BE

    Martin's Brussels Eu; about 907 m
    80 Boulevard Charlemagne - Karel de Grotelaan, 1000 Bruxelles - Brussel, BE

    Guest houses

    Bruxelas; about 727 m

    B&B Josaphat Park; about 781 m
    149 Avenue Général Eisenhower - Generaal Eisenhowerlaan, 1030 Schaerbeek - Schaarbeek

    Rental apartments

    Halldis; about 618 m

    B-Aparthotels Ambiorix Square; about 795 m
    28 Square Ambiorix - Ambiorixsquare, 1000 Bruxelles - Brussel

    Résidence Archimède Hotel; about 924 m


    Delhaize; about 303 m
    22 Avenue Léon Mahillon - Léon Mahillonlaan, 1030 Schaerbeek - Schaarbeek

    Carrefour Express; about 454 m
    116 Avenue Dailly - Daillylaan, 1030

    Colruyt; about 847 m
    17 Avenue de Roodebeek - Roodebeeklaan, 1030 Schaerbeek - Schaarbeek

    Convenience stores

    Carrefour Market; about 138 m
    243 Avenue Dailly - Daillylaan, 1030 Schaerbeek - Schaarbeek

    Carrefour Express Rogier; about 480 m

    Carrefour Express; about 544 m

    Night and Day; about 681 m


    Le fournil; about 445 m
    120 Avenue Dailly - Daillylaan

    Bervernaege; about 550 m
    142 Rue Victor Hugo - Victor Hugostraat, 1030 Schaerbeek - Schaarbeek

    Cheese shops

    Le Bon Goût; about 974 m


    Don Luis; about 232 m

    Le Saint Hubert; about 353 m

    La Selva; cuisine: italian; about 452 m
    55 Place de la Patrie - Vaderlandsplein, 1030 Schaerbeek - Schaarbeek

    Pizza Saco; cuisine: pizza; about 456 m
    154 Avenue Milcamps - Milcampslaan, 1030 Schaerbeek - Schaarbeek

    Le Saint-Georges; about 459 m
    81 Avenue Emile Max - Emile Maxlaan, 1030 Schaerbeek - Schaarbeek

    Fast food

    Snack Félix; cuisine: turkish; about 343 m
    5 Avenue Félix Marchal - Félix Marchallaan, 1030

    Turkish Kebabs House; cuisine: kebab; about 697 m

    Exki; about 1057 m
    38 Boulevard Charlemagne - Karel de Grootlaan

    Chez Isa; cuisine: burger;pasta;sandwich;breakfast;coffee shop; about 1109 m


    Luso Loja; cuisine: portuguese; about 182 m
    29 Avenue Chazal - Chazallaan, 1030 Schaerbeek - Schaarbeek

    Le Cadre Noir; about 462 m
    158 Avenue Milcamps - Milcampslaan, 1030 Schaerbeek - Schaarbeek

    Brasserie Bloem; cuisine: regional; about 633 m
    19 Place des Bienfaiteurs - Weldoenersplein, 1030 Schaerbeek - Schaarbeek

    Café Arnas; about 694 m

    Le Wilson; about 708 m


    Le Pot D'Etain; about 75 m

    Le Chaplin; about 428 m
    1000 Bruxelles - Brussel

    Chez Felix; about 438 m
    142 Avenue Félix Marchal - Félix Marchallaan, 1030 Schaerbeek - Schaarbeek

    L'imper; about 458 m
    86 Avenue Milcamps - Milcampslaan, 1030 Schaerbeek - Schaarbeek

    Duc de Brabant; about 473 m


    Friends; about 401 m
    1000 Bruxelles - Brussel

    New Plasky; about 617 m
    89-91 Avenue Eugène Plasky - Eugène Plaskylaan, 1030

    The Old Oak; about 929 m
    26 Rue Franklin - Franklinstraat

    Le Franklin; about 985 m

    Le Wappers; cuisine: sandwich;pasta;noodles;coffee shop; about 1001 m
    7 Place Wappers - Wappersplein


    Marché Place Dailly; about 41 m
    Avenue Chazal - Chazallaan, 1030 Schaerbeek - Schaarbeek

    Marché Place des Chasseurs Ardennais; about 389 m
    Place des Chasseurs Ardennais - Ardense Jagersplein, 1030 Schaerbeek - Schaarbeek

    Public transport stop positions

    Meiser; about 475 m

    Railway stations

    Meiser; about 476 m

    Bicycle rental locations

    Dailly; about 82 m

    Louvain / Leuven; about 291 m

    Artan; about 370 m

    Chasseurs Ardennais / Ardense Jagers; about 383 m

    Bienfaiteurs / Weldoeners; about 530 m


    Brico; about 475 m

    Gas stations (petrol stations)

    Esso; about 284 m

    Shell; about 573 m

    Total; about 871 m

    Tourist attractions

    L'Hôtel van Eetvelde; about 828 m
    4 Avenue Palmerston - Palmerstonlaan, 1000 Bruxelles - Brussel


    Parc Dailly; about 116 m

    Place des Chasseurs Ardennais - Ardense Jagersplein; about 408 m

    Place de la Patrie - Vaderlandsplein; about 455 m

    Square Marguerite - Margaretasquare; about 652 m

    Square Ambiorix - Ambiorixsquare; about 727 m

    Places of worship

    Église Syriaque Orthodoxe Saint Isozoel; about 208 m
    20 Rue du Noyer - Notelaarsstraat, 1030 Schaerbeek - Schaarbeek

    Église protestante évangélique baptiste de Schaerbeek; about 307 m
    24 Avenue Charbo - Charbolaan, 1030 Schaerbeek - Schaarbeek

    Église Sainte-Alice - Sint-Aleydiskerk; about 352 m
    136 Avenue Dailly - Daillylaan, 1030 Schaerbeek - Schaarbeek

    Église Saint-Albert - Sint-Albertuskerk; about 545 m
    147-155 Rue Victor Hugo - Victor Hugostraat, 1030 Schaerbeek - Schaarbeek

    Chapelle Saint-Michel - Sint-Michielskapel; about 580 m
    80 Boulevard Clovis - Clovislaan


    Théâtre de la Balsamine; about 101 m
    1 Avenue Félix Marchal - Félix Marchallaan, 1030 Schaerbeek - Schaarbeek

    Arts centres

    Labokube; about 652 m
    242 Chaussée de Louvain - Leuvensesteenweg, 1000 Bruxelles - Brussel


    Les joies du Printemps; about 478 m

    Émile Verhaeren; about 996 m

    Clothes shops

    Wibra Belgium; about 88 m
    14 Avenue Chazal - Chazallaan, 1030 Schaerbeek - Schaarbeek

    Oxfam Solidarité; about 186 m
    133 Avenue de la Brabançonne - Brabançonnelaan, 1030 Schaerbeek - Schaarbeek

    Lin des Sens; about 779 m
    149 Avenue Général Eisenhower - Generaal Eisenhowerlaan, 1030 Schaerbeek - Schaarbeek

    Mobile phone shops

    Telenet Center; about 526 m

    Real estate agents

    Immo I.D.; about 819 m
    32 Square Ambiorix - Ambiorixsquare, 1000 Bruxelles - Brussel


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