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    Brno, Czech Republic

    View on Brno.

    The city was founded about 1000 years ago, it received city status in the year 1243, and for centuries it served as the capital city of Moravia.

    Today's Brno is a mixture of many different architecture styles, there are many beautiful places. But still, it's a home to great culture, and countless beautiful buildings, the city has the second largest historic preservation zone in the country. There are three castles, Špilberk (former royal castle, and former seat of rulers of Moravia), Veveří castle (near the Brno dam lake), and the Líšeň Castle.

    The most interesting places in Brno includes the Brno Underground, a labyrinth of underground cellars which includes the second biggest ossuary in Europe (after the Catacombs of Paris), the two (or three) castles in Brno, the cathedral on the Petrov hill (Pope Benedict XVI. visited the cathedral in 2009), the Basilica of the Assumption of Our Lady in the Old Brno District, the St. Jacob's Church, the Moravian Museum (the biggest museum in Moravia and the second biggest in the country), Lužánky Park which is the oldest public park in the country, Denis Gardens, and various historical squares, churches, palaces, and other interesting buildings.

    There are also many places which might be worthy of visit outside of the city centre, like an old Jewish cemetery in Brno-Židenice (by area, the biggest one in Moravia), or the Marian Valley in Brno-Líšeň, it's which is a cascade of lakes between forested hills. From the north, Brno is surrounded by hills and very pleasant nature, probably the most notable place is the Moravian Karst.

    Tourist information

    Tourist information centre, Radnická 8, +420 542 427 150, e-mail: 9AM–6PM.
    Tourist information centre, Nádražní 1, +420 725 518 113. 9AM-5PM.
    This is Brno information centre, Panenská 1, +420 513 039 035, e-mail: 9AM-6PM.
    Information Centre Airport, Letiště Brno-Tuřany 904/1, +420 727 923 523, e-mail: Depending on the current flight timetable.

    Get in

    By train

    Brno is an important stop on the Prague–Vienna and Prague–Bratislava–Budapest railway line; all IC, EC and Railjet trains stop here. For some trains originating in Prague, it is a terminal stop.

    Prague: 2½h, IC/EC/RailJet trains every 30 minutes to every hour: Standard tickets are expensive (the regular fare is 360 Kč), but there are cheaper ways: You can either get the SuperAkční fare for 119 Kč or a Včasná ticket for 205 Kč. The SuperAkční ticket can be used for a particular train only. There are limited numbers of both SuperAkční and Včasná tickets for a particular train or day and they are generally only available when you buy the tickets in advance. You can buy all types of tickets both online and at the ticket office at the train station. For regular journeys it is good to buy ČD loyalty card (In Karta), see Czech_Republic#Train_tickets. A new operator RegioJet provides train service nine times a day. Tickets are generally sold online and start at 99 Kč.

    Olomouc: 1½h, every 2 hours: Be careful that you get in to the proper train, because another train to Brno via Břeclav departs at around the same time which will add 2 hours more to your trip.

    Ostrava: 2¼h, hourly

    Bratislava: 1½h, EC trains every 2 hours

    České Budějovice: 4½h, every 2 hours

    Vienna: 1¾h, Railjet trains every 2 hours (depart from Wien HbF station, though you can also depart from other stations further from the city center).

    Brno hlavní nádraží (Brno Main Station) is located close to the city center; almost all attractions are just within a few minutes walk. These attractions are to the north of the station, to the left coming out; follow the sign marked "Centrum," not the one marked "Centra."

    By car

    Using highways - D1 highway from Prague and Ostrava or using any of the national roads, D2 from Bratislava or D52 from south (it runs towards Vienna, but ends about 25 km ahead of borders). For the highway you have to buy a toll sticker.

    By bus

    There are coach services from various European destinations including Prague where frequent buses run touting assorted amenities and stops (such as Prague Airport). Timetable of all buses (including international) can be found on IDOS.

    Two main bus station are used. Few hundred meters north of train station is Benešova street, at hotel Grand, used e.g. by RegioJet (formerly Student Agency). A much bigger but also much more remote station Central bus station Zvonařka is used by both local and international busses. Usually buses only stop at one of the stations, check your ticket which one it is upfront.

    Bohemian Lines. Is a Brno-based company. Buses roll off to Scandinavia every couple of days headed for Copenhagen, Stockholm, Oslo and a slew of more exotic smaller towns. Copenhagen €57 (1500Kč), Stockholm €67 (1750Kč).

    Student Agency. Offers service with free coffee, newspapers, and movies to everyone. Brno is the main hub and buses travel across Europe, and are known for their high quality. Vienna €8.

    Tourbus, a.s.. Also based in Brno and serves many destinations and is particularly cheap to some international destinations. Vienna €5.

    Eurolines CZ/Touring Bohemia, s. r. o.. International and domestic routes. Some services include free newspapers, magazines and bottled water, some even have wifi. Book ahead for best price.


    Try to avoid getting taxi on the street (public transportation is always the better option in Brno) and if you have to, try to negotiate the price in advance. If you take taxi on the street, you should know that maximum price set by the city council per kilometre is 30Kč/km (approx €1.30). It's advisable to call one of the major Brno Taxi services:

    • Lido Taxi, +420 542 214 221 . (30Kč/km)
    • City Taxi Brno, +420 542 321 321 . (30Kč/km)

    By air

    Brno-Tuřany Airport (BRQ). Although it has a limited amount of destinations, it is highly convenient and boasts an extremely impressive structure. Those interested in modern architecture may want to visit even if they are not lucky enough to fly into the airport. edit

    Ryanair flies in 2017 up to 7 times a week a week to London-Stansted. BMI Regional flies every day to Munich (during workdays twice a day), Wizzair flies to London-Luton 3 times a week and twice a week to Eindhoven. During summer there are also various flights to Bulgaria, Egypt and Greece. Bus 76 runs every 30 minutes from about 4:30AM–11:30PM to the bus and train stations in the city center. Fare is 25Kč, and you can buy your ticket beforehand in the information centre or the ticket machine in the airport. At night there is a connection by night bus line N89.

    Other airports in the major cities "nearby", accessible within approx. 1-2.5 hours, include:

    Bratislava (BTS). Milan Rastislav Štefánik Airport, the largest airport of Slovakia.

    Prague (PRG). Václav Havel Airport.

    Wien (VIE). Vienna International Airport/Wien Schwechat. Direct transfer options from Wien include:

    Student Agency. offers 9 direct daily coaches. It is much cheaper to use local public transport in Vienna to Stadion (station of metro line U2) and catch the same coaches from there, for some reason the trip to the airport costs double, so it is much cheaper to take the Austrian public transportation. €16.

    Tourbus, a.s.. offers 1-2 direct daily buses to Brno. €8.60.

    By boat

    An unconventional, but beautiful way to get to Brno (well, from just outside town) is to take a boat from the village of Veverská Bitýška, which takes you (in summer season only) on a trip across Brněnská přehrada (Brno dam lake) to Brno-Bystrc. From there you can continue to the city centre by tram.

    Get around

    The Integrated Transport System of the Southern Moravia Region (IDS JMK) covers public transport over Brno and the whole Southern Moravia Region; it includes local trains, trams, buses and trolleybuses. Daytime transport ends up at 11PM, the night buses go hourly and have central transfer node at Main Station. Some night buses have a connection to night buses in the region, so you can get from Brno at night to surrounding villages.

    For journeys within the city, a short transfer ticket (valid 15 min, 20Kč) and long transfer ticket (60 min, 25Kč) are available. Tickets are available at yellow ticket vending machines at bus and tram stops, and also at railway station counters. You can buy the 60-minute ticket at driver for 35Kč.

    South Moravia Region is divided into tariff zones, Brno itself consists of two zones. IDS JMK tickets are valid in all buses and local trains (category Os, Sp and R), the price varies on number of zones you travel over.

    One-day network ticket costs 90Kč for Brno and 190Kč for the whole region. On weekends up two adults and three children can travel on a single network ticket.

    If you decided to bring your bicycle with you, there is a map of bike paths available on Even though the city centre is flat and easily accesible by bike, please note that it is forbidden to ride a bike in the pedestrian zone (mainly Freedom Square (náměstí Svobody) and surrounding streets) during workdays from 09:00 to 17:00. There is also bike sharing service Rekola (minimum fee is 400Kč/bike for 2 months).

    What to See in Brno

    The city center is full of historical buildings, old churches, theaters, fountains, sculptures, clubs, restaurants, etc. It is very compact, so one can just walk around most of the places of interest.


    Capuchin Monastery (Kapucínský klášter), Kapucínské náměstí 5, +420 539 002 163. 15 Feb–14 Dec Tu–Su 11AM–4:30PM, May–Sep also in Mo. The 17th-century monastery lies right in the city center. It has Baroque statues and a mummified monks exhibition in an underground tomb. 60Kč.

    Church of St. James, Jakubské náměstí. This church is doubtlessly one of the most notable churches in Brno. It's a big gothic church and was founded in the 13th century. It has remained unchanged since the 17th century which is quite rare). Beneath the church, there is the Brno Ossuary, the second biggest ossuary in Europe (after the Catacombs of Paris). The ossuary is not yet opened for visitors, however, it was planned for 2012.

    Old Town Hall, Radnická 8 (between Náměstí Svobody and main station). See beloved Brno symbols the Brno Dragon (Brněnský drak) and the Wheel. Also notice the lopsided tower above the entrance. Legend has it that the city council stiffed the mason who built it and he made the crooked ornament in a fit of pique.

    Petrov Cathedral, Petrov Street. Cathedral: 8:15AM–18:30PM; tower: May–Sep noon–6:30PM, Oct–Apr noon–5PM; crypt: Tu–Su 11AM–5PM. St. Peter and Paul Cathedral, known as Petrov forms a dominant silhouette of Brno skyline. (Petrov is the name of the hill which the cathedral is built upon, not the cathedral.).

    Špilberk Castle (Hrad Špilberk), +420 542 123 615, e-mail: May–Sep 9AM–6PM, Oct–Apr 10AM–5PM. Formerly the major royal castle in Moravia, the seat of Margraves (rulers) of Moravia, and once the seat of the King of the Holy Roman Empire (King Jobst of Moravia). Later it become a famous fortress which was for a long time used as one of the most feared prisons in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Many people have been tortured here from all around Europe, mostly during the time of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It's the city museum with restaurant and there's a nice park around it, open for walks and beautiful sightseeing, the castle and the park are parts of the national cultural heritage of Czech Republic. Permanent exhibitions 120Kč, casemates 70Kč.

    Tugendhat Villa, Černopolní 45 (tram stop „Dětská nemocnice”), +420 545 212 118. The villa is listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Designed by Mies van der Rohe, it is seen to be a classic example of Bauhaus architecture, and was also the location of the meeting which decided upon the Velvet Divorce that separated the Czech and Slovak republics in 1992. It is possible to visit the Villa by guided tour; tours are led hourly and must be booked in advance.

    Veveri street (Ulice Veveří). This street is a group of outstanding Art Nouveau buildings called Tivoli (tram stop Konečného náměstí), and a number of baroque and other beautiful historical buildings. Nearby, is one of three botanical gardens in Brno. The street goes from the historical center and leads to the north.

    Villa Stiassni, Hroznová 14, +420 778 545 993. Originally built between 1927-1929 for the family textile factory owner Alfred Stiassni, later to be known as a government villa that hosted many important state visits.


    The Mendel Museum of Genetics, Mendlovo náměstí (tram stop „Mendlovo náměstí”), +420 549 496 669, e-mail: Tu–Su 10AM–5PM. The most famous biologist in the history of genetics worked and died in Brno. This interesting museum commemorates his revolutionary research. Information in English available. 60Kč, admission free every last Wednesday in a month.

    The Moravian Gallery, +420 532 169 111, e-mail: We–Su 10AM–6PM. The second largest art museum in the Czech Republic. Mainly exhibits Moravian art and applied art throughout history. Most recommended is its exhibition of modern Moravian art. The gallery consists of three buildings: Admission to all three buildings 300Kč.

    Governor Palace (Místodržitelský palác), Moravské náměstí. 140Kč.

    Museum of Decorative Arts (Uměleckoprůmyslové muzeum), Husova 14. 150Kč.

    Pražák's Palace (Pražákův palác), Husova 18. 120Kč.

    The Moravian Museum (Moravské zemské muzeum), Zelný trh 8, +420 533 435 220, e-mail: Tu–Sa 9AM–5PM. It's the second largest and oldest museum in the Czech Republic. It was founded in 1817 by Emperor Francis I and, today, has collections with millions of objects from different fields of human history. Apart from the main building in Dietrichstein Palace at Zelný trh the museum has various branches: 130Kč.

    Anthropos Pavilion, Pisárecká 5 (bus stop „Anthropos”), +420 543 248 391. Tu-F 09:00-18:00, Sa-Su 10:00-18:00. Exhibition on the oldest history of the settlement in Moravia and on the whole European continent. Permanent exhibitions: adult 80Kč, reduced 40Kč, family 190Kč. All exhibitions: adult 150Kč, reduced 75Kč, family 375Kč.

    Bishop Courtyard (Biskupský dvůr), Muzejní 1, +420 533 435 282. Numismatic exhibition and Moravian fauna exhibition.

    Museum of Gypsy Culture (Muzeum romské kultury), Bratislavská 67 (tram stop „Tkalcovská”), +420 545 571 798, e-mail: Tu–F, Sa 10AM–6PM. A museum dedicated to the Gypsy minority in Moravia. 40Kč.

    Brno Central Cemetery, Jihlavská 756/1. Gregor Mendel's burial site.


    Denis gardens (Denisovy sady). it's one of the most beautiful parks in Brno, there is an obelisk and a colonnade, and it offers a nice view on the city, including the Špilberk castle and the cathedral, also it is the oldest public park in the country which was founded by public administration authorities. It's located in the historical center, between the Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul and the Špilberk Castle.

    The Open Garden (Otevřená Zahrada). is an NGO project to bring city gardening and nature to the city center. You can walk there for free, have a picnic or join some of their periodic activities.

    Freedom Square (Náměstí Svobody). forms the heart of the city. It's shaped into big reversed "A". Many cultural events take place here and there are always a lot of people here. It is closed for most cars and trams running through the middle. Also most of the interesting places in the city center are within 10 minutes walk from the Square.

    Lužánky park (Park lužánky). the oldest public park in the country and the biggest park in Brno. There is an artificial brook with living fishes and a number of similar nice things. It's located north to the historical centere, about 15 minutes by walk, or 2–3 minutes by tram.

    Moravian square (Moravské náměstí). is the biggest square in Brno, it's dominated by the Church of Saint Thomas which is the last resting place of Jobs of Moravia, German King and Margrave of Moravia, the nearby former Governor's Palace offers permanent exhibitions of the Moravian Gallery. The square is located in the historical centre near the Freedom Square.

    What to Do in Brno

    Brno Zoo, U zoologické zahrady 147/46, +420 546 432 311. Daily 9AM-4PM. A great zoo set in a nice area with hundreds of animals such as polar bears, seals, tigers, chimpanzees and more. 100Kč.

    Ignis Brunensis. There are four firework competitions on the dam lake and at least two in the town centre. The fireworks begin every evening at 10:30PM. The show lasts about 22 minutes. Public transport runs longer and more frequently at these times. During the festival there are nights of theatres and museums. Entrance is free, but expect crowds.

    Brno Racing Circuit. Moto GP Grand Prix every year takes place here in August.

    Brno Trade and Fair Centre (BVV), Výstaviště 1 (tram stop „Výstaviště”). The largest trade center in the Central European region with many important fairs. The largest are Autosalon, MSV (International Engineering Fair), Invex (International Fair of Information and Communication Technologies), IDET (International Exhibition of Defence and Security Technologies and Special Information Systems) and of course a Vinex (International Wine Fair) and Pivex (International Beer Fair).

    One World Brno. Documentary film festival on human rights held every March.

    Treasure Hunt Brno, Čechyňská 8, +420 542 211 935, e-mail: Treasure Hunt Brno is a dynamic team competition, that makes use of modern technology and GPS-enabled tablets and lets you visit a wide range of Brno's historical monuments in a record time. Suitable for larger groups and companies.

    Jakubské náměstí. Grab a few friends and go have a drink at Jakubské náměstí during summer. After work or school, lot of people came here to have a drink. The area behind the St. James church has become a living part of Brno, recently. Many pubs, wine cellars and cafés make a unique atmosphere. If you are lucky, you can run into a concert or screening. Almost every day there are dancing lessons at Café Savoy (salsa, tango, swing...). If you are talented, you can use a free-to-play piano on the square.

    VIDA! Science Centre, Křižkovského 554/12, +420 515 201 000, e-mail: Launch a hydrogen rocket, star in the TV weather report, freeze your own shadow, experience an earthquake, set free a tornado, and get to the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle. Near the Brno trade fair complex, playful explorers of all ages will find more than one hundred and seventy interactive exhibits over an area of nearly 5,000 square meters that will give them a better understanding of the world around us.


    Vaňkovka Gallery, Ve Vaňkovce 1 (Just between train station and central bus station). A large shopping centre converted from an old industrial center dating to the beginning of the 19th century. Many of the historical industrial buildings were saved and integrated into the new shopping center.

    Avion Shopping Park, Skandinávká (Brno-jih district, Ikea bus stop or Avion Shopping). South of the center in the metropolitan area of Brno-jih, Avion Shopping Park is a huge shopping mall with dozens of shops, from small boutiques to large Ikea.


    Czech food is mostly based around pork, dumplings and potatoes. Another Czech favorite is smažený sýr, fried cheese, which is available at many restaurants and fast food stands. Soups plays an important part in Czech cuisine as it is almost always part of lunch (chicken, beef or vegetabe broth, garlic soup, cabbage soup, goulash soup, vegetable soup or mushroom soup).

    A good option is to visit one of the many pubs or restaurants that usually offer traditional Czech food all day long. You could easily find a restaurant where you get a meal and a drink for around €5, even in the city center. Many of these places also offer cheaper special (limited, pre-prepared) menus at mid-day. Cafés offer a nice selection of rolls and pastries if you're looking for breakfast food. Visit the cukrárna near the House of the Four Idiots on nam. Svobody and try a rakvička ("little coffin", small pastry covered with cream). This is the only place in the Czech Republic to find the chocolate ones.

    There are plenty of restaurants in the city centre, where you can have a decent dinner. Both czech and international cuisine can be found. A very incomplete list of the good restaurants may include:


    Na Švábce, Údolní 4. (tram stop „Komenského náměstí”). Czech cuisine, good Pilsner beer and daily menu even during weekend.

    Cattani, Josefská 2 and Veveří 6. (tram stops „Zelný trh and Česká”). Fresh pasta, good wine selection. Has two branches, both close to city centre.

    Pegas brewery, Jakubská 4. (tram stop „Česká or Náměstí svobody”). Goulash, roasted ribs, pickled cheese and many other "go-with-beer" courses. Self made beer.


    Piazza, OC omega, Náměstí svobody 9. (tram stop „Náměstí svobody”). Italian restaurant with fresh fish and sea food, pizza and pasta. Nice collection of Grappa.


    The traditional Brno beer is Starobrno, a traditional non-alcoholic drink is kofola (a very different but captivating kind of cola). Both must be tasted in draught form! Although Czechs are famous for their love of beer that love is mostly focused on pale beer, dark beer (černé pivo) is sweet and not very often drunk here.

    There's quite a few small breweries in the city, among them a small private brewery named Pegas, a block west from the steeple of St James Church (sv. Jakub). The pub is equipped with modern brewing technology, beer is made right in front of the guests' eyes. For a list of other breweries look at this list.

    The go-to bar is the cramped and smoky Charlie's Hat (know to most locals simply as Charlie's), east on Koblizna street from the north end of Freedom Square (50Kč entry, includes drink voucher). A cluster of more down-tempo bars frequented by students can be found along Dominikánská (Kavárna Trojka - students caffee and bar) and Starobrněnská just west of the Zelný trh (cabbage market square). Around the main square you can find a lot of clubs, pubs, restaurants, coffee houses and lounge bars.

    Bars in and around Dvořákova street in the city centre include:

    Pivovarská, Mendelovo náměstí 20. It is a big pub & restaurant owned by Starobrno brewery.

    Bar, který neexistuje, Dvořákova 1. Cocktail bar featuring a huge menu of rums and whiskies.

    Lokál U Caipla, Kozí 3. Traditional pub, featuring lots of typically Czech dishes and beer served from big metal tanks.

    Zelená Kočka Pivárium, Dvořákova 3. Beer speciality pub - serving Dalešice beer (made in a brewery 60km famous for appearing in the film Postriziny) as well as a selection of beers from around Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Austria which changes every day.

    Pegas, Jakubská 4. Already above mentioned pub with self-made beer.

    Rotor, Dvořákova 12. Cosy little bar with good wine, spirits and coffee.

    Výčep Na Stojáka, Běhounská 6. Probably the most popular bar in Brno during summer, where locals and foreigners alike drink cold Chotěboř (lager type beer) soak in the evening sun in the square.

    Lucky Bastard Beerhouse, Bratří Čapků 8. Mon–Sat 17:00–00:00. The Lucky Bastard Beerhouse takes you to the world of ales where you can play a few songs on the piano and taste some quality gin.

    Hostinec U Bláhovky, Gorkého 54. Daily 12:00–24:00. Relaxed atmosphere of the 1930s. Excellent Pilsner and pork knee.

    Ochutnávková pivnice, Lidická 1860/10. Mon–Fri 15:00–24:00, Sat–Sun 16:00–24:00. The place where the beer gourmets gather. 8 types of draft beer and at least 20 bottled in the fridge.

    Super Panda Circus, Šilingrovo náměstí 3. Mon–Sat 18:00–02:00. Great light show.

    Cubana, Jezuitská 3. Mon–Thu 16:00–02:00, Fri 16:00–03:00, Sat 18:00–03:00. Move your hips to Latin American music and have fun with your friends over a glass of Cuba Libre.


    Coffee Fusion, Jánská 25. Mon–Fri 09:00–20:00. Choose your beans from two coffee grinders of different flavors and enjoy a slice of the local, divine cake quickly brought to you by the smiling barista.

    SKØG, Dominikánské náměstí 5. Mon–Thu 08:00–01:00 Fri 08:00–02:00, Sat 10:00–02:00, Sun 12:00–22:00. Cordial service, latte art cappuccino, delicious homemade cakes, and innovative cocktails.

    Kafec, Veveří 10. Mon–Fri 08:00–20:00, Sat–Sun 09:00–20:00. Besides the excellent locally roasted coffee that you can read about in Kávové listy magazine, you can also try thick cocoa from Tanzania or homemade lemonades made from fresh juices and aromatic herbs.

    Punkt, Bayerova 7. Mon–Fri 08:00–22:00, Sat–Sun 14:00–20:00. Popular also among people on gluten-free and vegan diets. Come have breakfast and a cup of cappuccino.

    Cafe Mitte, Panská 11. Mon–Sat 08:00–22:00, Sun 09:00–20:00. No generic nameless coffee here in Café Mitte; behind every cup you can see the farmer who grew and harvested the beans himself. Tip – filtered coffee!

    Café Placzek, Minoritská 470/4. Mon–Fri 07:30–22:00, Sat-Sun 08:30–21:00. Luxurious desserts, delicious breakfasts, and homemade pastries in various original shapes.

    Kavárna Era, Zemědělská 30. Mon–Sat 10:00–22:00, Sun 10:00–20:00. Are you a fan of functionalism? So when you leave Villa Tugendhat go straight to Café Era. Top-quality service and traditionally prepared Italian coffee.

    Cafe Spolek. Mon–Fri 09:00–22:00, Sat–Sun 10:00–22:00. This place used to be a bookshop, but now instead of books you can smell excellent coffee, cocoa with rum, and homemade desserts.


    There are many hotels all around Brno city.


    Hostel Fléda, Štefánikova 24 (tram stop „Hrnčířská”), +420 731 651 005, e-mail: Check-in: 2PM, check-out: noon. Low-budget hostel, 10 minutes walking from the centre, possible discounts in the nearby club Fleda. Dormitory from 300Kč/person, double from 800Kč/room..

    Hostel Mitte, Panská 11 (tram stop „Hlavní nádraží”), +420 734 622 340, e-mail: Check-in: 2PM, check-out: noon. Nice little hostel in the very centre. Dormitory from 490Kč/person, double from 1100Kč/room. Price includes breakfast.

    Hotel Garni Vinařská, Vinařská 5 (At the Masaryk University student dormitory area, tram stop „Lipová”), +420 549 492 713, fax: +420 549 492 702, e-mail: Hotel Garni: double from 980Kč, triple from 1620Kč, quad from 2060Kč/room. Student dormitory (15 Jun–9 Sep): double from 500Kč.


    Hotel Barceló Brno Palace, Šilingrovo náměstí 2/265 (Brno-střed), +420 532 156 777, e-mail: Lovely boutique hotel in romantic style located in the center of Brno.

    Penzion Brno, Preslova 90 (trolleybus stop „Marie Pujmanové”), +420 543 211 953, e-mail: Double from 800Kč, triple from 1200Kč/room.


    Hotel Santander, Pisárecká 6 (bus stop „Pisárecká”, 10 minutes walk from the fairground BVV), +420 547 220 233, fax: +420 547 220 375, e-mail: Offers a luxurious accommodation in 13 double rooms, 1 single room and 1 suite with a fireplace in a comfortable environment of a new restored stylish villa dating from the beginning of the 20th century. The villa has an enclosed parking lot on the hotel premises. Single 1590Kč, double 1990Kč/room. The price can rise during important trade fairs.

    Hotel Continental Brno, Kounicova 6, +420 541 519 111, fax: +420 541 211 203, e-mail: Single 1700Kč, double 2300Kč/room. 10% discount if booked online. The price can rise during important trade fairs.

    Hotel Slavia, Solniční 15, +420 542 215 080, fax: +420 542 211 769, e-mail: Single 1750Kč, double 2100Kč, triple 2600Kč/room.

    Apartments Brno No1, Křížkovského 33 (Near city center and exhibition center), +420 777 479 379. Check-in: 2PM, check-out: 11AM. If you prefer an apartment, choose Apt No1. Stylish, renovated rooms, bottle of wine, free tea and coffee available. Cable TV and free wifi internet. Low season 2000Kč, high season 3500Kč/night.

    Hotel Royal Ricc, Starobrněnská 10, +420 542 219 262, e-mail: Very nice romantic hotel. Single from €80, double from €90.

    Holiday Inn, Křížkovského 20, +420-543 246 693, fax: +420 543 246 990, e-mail: Check-in: 2PM, check-out: 1PM. Good if you are visiting the exhibition centre, otherwise you will need a taxi to centre.

    Stay safe

    Avoid the main train station after dark as it attracts a number of unsavory characters, the usual caution applies. Also keep a keen eye out when using Automated Teller Machines in the immediate area for similar reasons. The area is also known be actively visited by pick-pockets. Also avoid the Cejl street during dark hours for the same reasons. Take the tram or a bus between the stops Malinovského náměstí and Tkalcovská.

    Go next

    Moravia has a dense cluster of nearby sites inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List

    Olomouc: a fine historic university town, with an impressive Plague Column (1½ hour trip)
    Telč is one of the prettiest towns in the Czech Republic (2 hours trip)
    Lednice-Valtice is one of the largest artificial landscapes in Europe dotted with palaces and follies (1 hour trip)
    Třebíč has one of Europe's best preserved Jewish areas (1½ hour trip)
    Žďár nad Sázavou contains a fine pilgrimage church (1½ hour trip)
    Kroměříž: an impressive baroque chateau and formal flower gardens (2 hours trip)
    Beautiful caves near Blansko with a boat trip inside the cave (45 minute trip)

    Places near Brno - trips less than one hour

    Battlefield Austerlitz (City Slavkov u Brna)
    Castles: Pernstejn, Bucovice, Slavkov u Brna

    Other places

    Vienna is easily accessible as a day trip by train or bus (return ticket by train €33, by bus €14)
    Bratislava is less than an hour away (Wikivoyage)

    Brno in Pictures

    The Vegetable Market with Parnas fountain.

    Kounicův palác.

    Pražákův palác.

    Greenhouse, Botanical garden Brno.

    Villa of Alfred & Hermine Stiassni in Brno.

    Night of Museums in Brno.

    Moravské zemské muzeum.


    Monterey is a city in the Monterey County area of Monterey Bay, one of the more beautiful coastal cities of California.
    Trogir is on the UNESCO World Heritage List as it is one of the best preserved medieval towns in Europe. It is a fascinating place to just wander and also contains a range of accommodation.
    Saint-Tropez became an internationally known seaside resort, renowned principally because of the influx of artists of the French New Wave in cinema and the Yé-yé movement in music. But, these days, the town has plenty for everyone.
    Rjukan is a town in the Tinn municipality of Telemark, Norway. The town was founded in 1908 by Sam Eyde, who started the plan of building a city from scratch, after buying the renowned Rjukan waterfall to make electric power for fertilizer production.
    Bodrum is a town on the southern Aegean coast of Turkey, popular with tourists from all over the world. Bodrum is a fascinating place as it has a pleasing contrast between the Ancient city and a playground for rich Turks and an array of foreign visitors.
    Bellinzona is a city in the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland and the capital of the canton of Ticino, at the foot of the Alps and traversed by the Ticino River. It preserves its medieval atmosphere while offering modern services.

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