The Whole World at Your Fingertips
    Published in Tourist Info / Highways

    Autovía A-21, Autovía del Pirineo, Spain

    Map of Autovía A-21, Spain.

    The Spanish Autovía A-21 is a highway between Jaca, in Aragon, and Pamplona, in Navarre which is partially open and partially under construction.

    It follows or is an upgrade of the N-240 and will link the Autovía A-15 east of Pamplona with the Autovía A-23 at Jaca providing a link through the southern Pyrenees and connections to France, Huesca and Zaragoza.

    Length: 110 km (70 mi)


    From Pamplona
    To Jaca


    1. Noáin -Monreal. Length: 12 km
    2. Monreal - Izco. Length: 8.6 km
    3. Izco - Venta de Judas. Length: 7.2 km
    4. Venta de Judas - Yesa. Length: 10 km
    5. Yesa- Border of Navarra/Aragón. Length: 6.5 km
    6. Border of Navarra/Aragón - Tiermas. Length: 4.4 km
    7. Tiermas - Sigüés. Length: 6.57 km
    8. Sigüés - A-1601. Length: 2.5 km
    9. A-1601 - Barranco de Colladas. Length: 2.9 km
    10. Barranco de Colladas - Fago (Border of Zaragoza/Huesca). Length: 5.4 km
    11. Fago (Border of Zaragoza/Huesca) - Puente la Reina de Jaca. Length: 11.63 km
    12. Puente la Reina de Jaca - Santa Cilia. Length: 7.2 km
    13. Santa Cilia - Jaca (A-23). Length: 9.0 km



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